The EVAL-ADUC7026QSPZ是一个QuickStart 开发系统用于评估 of the ADuC7026设备which is fully集成 with 1MSPS, 12位 data acquisition 系统s incorporating 高性能multichannel ADCs, 16位/32位MCUs,和闪存/EE存储器 on a single 芯片. The ADuC7026 QuickStart 系统 is intended 用于users who already have an emulator. This 快速启动套件用于the ADuC702x precision 模拟微控制器s feature debug via UART和an assembly & C source debugging environment. if user have evaluated other ADuC parts from 模拟设备these kits are intended 用于any new users who want to have a comprehensive 硬件 开发 environment. The ADC consists of up to 12 single ended inputs. An additional four inputs are available but are multiplexed with the four DAC output pins. The UART based serial downloader is included in all the 开发 系统s.
- 具备ARM7TDMI内核, 16位/32位 RISC架构
- JTAG端口支持编码下载和调试
- 多通道, 12位, 1MSPS模数转换器,高达16模数转换器通道
- 全差分和单端模式
- 12位电压输出数模转换器 及多至4个数模转换器输出
- 片上温度传感器 (±3°C) 与电压比较器
- 修建的片上振荡器 (±3%)
- 41.78MHz PLL 带可编程驱动器
- 具备62kB闪存/EE内存, 8kB SRAM
- 电路内触发软件, 可重新编程
工业, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 通信与网络