The EVAL-ADM2582EEBZ is an evaluation board for the ADM2582E 2.5KV rms signal and power isolated Rs485 transceivers with ±15KV ESD protection. The ADM2582E evaluation board can be used for easy evaluation of the ADM2582E power and signal isolated Rs485 transceivers. Screw terminal blocks provide convenient connections for the power and signal connections. The evaluation board is easily configured through jumper connections. The board can be used in half-duplex or full-duplex configurations and has a 120R termination resistor fitted on the receiver input. The evaluation board can be used with either the 16Mbps ADM2582E . The driver and receiver are enabled and disabled by jumper connections. Test points are included on the power and signal lines on both sides of the isolation barrier.
Power and signal isolated Rs485/Rs422 transceiver
Convenient connections for power and signal through screw terminal blocks