The EVAL-ADAU1701MINIZ是一个mini 评估电路板 用于ADAU1701 音频处理器. The EVAL-ADAU1701MINIBZ提供stereo line level 模拟音频 input as well as a 数字音频 接口. Two of the ADAU1701 DAC channels are routed to an SSM2306 filterless class-D amplifier, while the other two channels are routed to line level outputs. The ADAU1701 can be 控制led via the USBi 接口控制电路板 connected to the I2C 通讯 接口. On-board self-boot EEPROM is included 用于operating the电路板 independently of the 模拟设备, SigmaStudio 软件. Push-buttons, LEDs,和a 电位器 are connected directly to the ADAU1701 GPIO pins 用于user 控制. This 评估电路板 can also be used to evaluate the 模拟设备ADAU1702和ADAU1401 音频处理器.
- 28/56-位, 50MIPS数字音频处理器
- 2个模数转换器100dB SNR, THD + N of -83dB
- 4个数模转换器带104dB SNR, THD + N of -90dB
- 完整的独立运行
- 从串行EEPROM自引导
- 辅助模数转换器 带4路输入复用器 用于模拟控制
- GPIO用于数字控制和输出
- 可通过SigmaStudio图形工具完全编程
- 支持高达192 kHz采样率
- 时钟振荡器用于通过晶体生成主时钟
多媒体, 音频, 车用, 消费电子产品