The EVAL-ADAS1000SDZ is an evaluation kit to demonstrate the ADAS1000 integrated ECG device for medical instrumentation. The ADAS1000 measures electro cardiac (ECG) signals, thoracic impedance, pacing artifacts, lead on/off status and outputs this information in the form of a data frame supplying either lead/vector or electrode data at programmable data rates. The evaluation kit consists of an evaluation board kitted with two ADAS1000 devices capable of demonstrating ECG capture up to 12 leads. This board is ideal for exploring concepts and adopting the ADAS1000 into advanced medical systems. The board can be operated as part of an end user's system via the ADAS1000 SPI interface or as a standalone evaluation of the ADAS1000 using the support of the controller board and a standard PC to run the evaluation software. The software allows control of all ADAS1000 registers, ability to capture and display ECG data, respiration data, pace pulse detection and store data for offline processing.
- Biopotential signals in, digitized signals out
- 6 electrodes (5 acquisition channels and 1 driven lead)
- AC and DC lead off detection
- Pace detection
- Optional thoracic impedance measurement
- Selectable reference lead
- Serial interface SPI/QSPI/DSP compatible
- Low or high speed data output rates
- Calibration features (DAC and 1mV square/sine wave)
- Lead or electrode data available