The EVAL-AD7298SDZ is an evaluation kit designed to allow the user to easily evaluate all features of the AD7298 SAR ADC. The AD7298 is a 12bit, high speed, low power, 8 channel, successive approximation ADC with an internal temperature sensor. This IC operates from a single 3.3V power supply and features throughput rates up to 1MSPS. The AD7298 includes a high accuracy, band gap, temperature sensor, which is monitored and digitized by the 12bit ADC to give a resolution of 0.25°C. The evaluation board can be controlled via the SDP connector. The SDP board allows the evaluation board to be controlled through the USB port of a PC using the AD7298 evaluation software. Other than AD7298 SAR ADC the boards also contains on board components like the ADP1706 low dropout CMOS linear regulator, the AD8022 high speed, a low noise amp and the AD8066 high performance 145MHz FastFET amp. The evaluation board features analog bias up circuitry.
- Link options
- On board analog bias up circuit
- PC control in conjunction with system demonstration platform (EVAL-SDP-CB1Z)
- PC software for control
- Internal power on reset
- Internal 2.5V reference
- 12bit temperature to digital converter
通信与网络, 传感与仪器