The EVAL-AD7156EBZ is an evaluation kit for evaluating AD7156 capacitance converter. The AD7156 delivers a complete signal processing solution for capacitive sensors. The evaluation board can be operated in complete standalone, battery powered mode or connected to a PC via a standard USB interface. The PC software allows the graphical display of real time data, modification of the AD7156 internal settings, and generally assists in understanding the part features and performance. The flexible interface structure of the evaluation board allows it to be connected in several useful configurations. For example, the digital section of the evaluation board can be used independently as a convenient digital interface for a user's own sensor design PCB or as a module containing the AD7156. Alternatively, an external microcontroller can be interfaced to the AD7156. Thus, the evaluation board can act as a complete analog front end for creating and debugging software on user's own digital platform.
- Ultra low power
- Power supply voltage range form 1.8V to 3.6V
- Adaptive environmental compensation
- Two detection output flags
- Two wire serial interface (I2C compatible)
- Fast response time
- Power down current of 2μA typical
- Operation power supply current of 70μA typical
- 300μs wake up time from serial interface
- Conversion time of 10ms per channel
传感与仪器, 便携式器材