The DAC8426FPZ is a complete quad voltage output Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) with internal reference. This product fits directly into any existing 7226 socket where the user currently has a 10V external reference. The external reference is no longer necessary. The internal reference of the DAC8426 is laser-trimmed to ±0.4% offering a 25ppm/°C temperature coefficient and 5mA of external load driving capability. The DAC8426 contains four 8-bit voltage-output CMOS D/A converter on a single chip. A 10V output band-gap reference sets the output full-scale voltage. The circuit also includes four input latches and interface control logic. One of the four latches, selected by the address inputs, is loaded from the 8-bit data bus input when the write strobe is active low. All digital inputs are TTL/CMOS compatible. The on-board amplifiers can drive up to 10mA from either a single or dual supply.
No adjustments required
Internal 10V bandgap reference
Fast 50ns data load time
Pin-for-pin replacement for PM-7226 and AD7226, eliminates external reference