The DAC8228FPZ is a dual 8-bit voltage output CMOS Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) designed to drop into AD7528/7628 sockets eliminating two external op amps in applications such as hard disk drives. The DAC8228 can also be used in those applications requiring unipolar output voltage. It can deliver an output voltage between 0 and 10V with VDD=14V. Its reference input can accept a negative voltage from 0 to -10V. The DAC8228 consists of two CMOS voltage output amplifiers, two high-accuracy R-2R resistor ladder networks, interface control logic and two 8-bit registers. An internal regulator maintains TTL logic compatibility and fast microprocessor interface timing over the full VDD range. Its compact size and low power per channel, makes it attractive for applications requiring multiple D/A converter without sacrificing circuit-board space. Reduced parts count also improves system reliability.
- Fits 7528/7628 sockets
- Adjustment free internal CMOS ops amps
- Improved resistance to ESD
- TTL Compatible over full VDD range
- Fast interface timing
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