The BF537 STAMP电路板 Support封装 (BSP)提供developers with a cost effective environment to develop内嵌型系统s with the Blackfin处理器. The STAMP BSP has been specifically设计ed to support the 开发和porting of 开源uClinux应用和包括 the full complement of存储器 along with serial和network 接口s. The BSP包括an ADSP-BF537 STAMP电路板和a CD with a recent copy of the Blackfin 开源开发工具和uClinux Kernel, documentation,电路板 schematics, gerbers和layout files. There are several 模拟设备daughter cards available 用于use with the STAMP电路板. Three separate SPI ADC daughter cards are available - AD7476, AD7476A和AD7940 - each one providing an 模拟 input 接口. In addition, an AD1836 daughter card is available that提供an 音频 接口. Look out 用于additional daughter cards in the future with various other 接口s 如视频和模拟input/output.
- Linux OS基于uClinux 2.6.x, 兼容GPL许可证, 完整kernel和驱动器源代码
- GNU gcc (C/C++) 支持gdb/kgdb调试能力 经由以太网和JTAG
- Das U-Boot通用引导加载程序
- 完整的Linux IP包 包括标准协议设备驱动器用于板载外部设备
- 3个分离SPI 模数转换器子卡AD7476, AD7476A 和 AD7940
- CE认证
音频, 成像, 视频和目视, 信号处理, 通信与网络, 工业, 传感与仪器, 消费电子产品