The ADV7125KSTZ140 is a triple 8-bit high speed Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) on a single monolithic chip. It consists of three high speed, a standard TTL input interface and a high impedance, analog output current source. The ADV7125 has three separate 8-bit-wide input ports. A single 5/3.3V power supply and clock are all that are required to make the device functional. The ADV7125 has additional video control signals, composite SYNC and BLANK, as well as a power save mode. The ADV7125 is fabricated in a 5V CMOS process. Its monolithic CMOS construction ensures greater functionality with lower power dissipation.
- RS-343A-/RS-170-compatible output
- Complementary outputs
- TTL-compatible inputs
- Internal reference
车用, 成像, 视频和目视, 传感与仪器, 射频通信, 信号处理