The ADP2301AUJZ-R7 is a Non-synchronous Step-down Regulator with integrated power MOSFET. It runs from input voltages of 3.0 to 20V, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. A precise, low voltage internal reference makes these devices ideal for generating a regulated output voltage as low as 0.8V, with ±2% accuracy, for up to 1.2A load current. The ADP2301 runs at 1.4MHz. Current-mode control provides fast and stable line and load transient performance. The ADP2301 devices include internal soft start to prevent inrush current at power-up. Other safety key features include short-circuit protection, thermal shutdown (TSD) and input under-voltage lockout (UVLO). The precision enable pin threshold voltage allows the ADP2301 to be easily sequenced from other input/output supplies. It can also be used as a programmable UVLO input by using a resistive divider.
- ±2% Output accuracy over temperature range
- High efficiency (up to 91%)
- Current-mode control architecture
- Automatic PFM/PWM mode switching
- Precision enable pin with hysteresis
- Integrated high-side MOSFET
- Integrated bootstrap diode
- Internal compensation and soft start
- Minimum external components
- Under-voltage lockout (UVLO)
- Over-current protection (OCP) and thermal shutdown (TSD)
电源管理, 通信与网络, 工业, 自动化与过程控制, 医用, 消费电子产品