The ADP151CPZ-REDYKIT is an "RedyKit" for the ADP151 LDO. This product has individual evaluation boards at specific voltages or with specific features as well as the RedyKit. The RedyKit simplifies product evaluation by providing two assembled and tested evaluation boards plus a full set of product (voltage) options for an IC regulator. It allow simplified prototyping and evaluation are available for every standard fixed output voltage option in the ADP151 product family. This allows the user to evaluate the voltage options with one easy to order kit. All Surface mount ADP151 parts are sorted and stored in the kits with the analog Devices, Inc., part number and fixed output voltage clearly printed on each zip-top bag. The kits can be used in the engineering lab to evaluate required voltage options. If other voltage options must be evaluated, a different part from the kits can be easily soldered onto one of the evaluation boards supplied with the kit.
- ADP151CPZ-REDYKIT allows the user to evaluate with different voltage options
- Surface mount ADP151 parts that can be easily soldered
- It has additional parts for prototyping
- Two fully assembled and tested evaluation boards per kit
- Full set of IC voltage options in each kit
- This kit allows the user to quickly evaluate all IC voltage options
- Only need to order one kit per product family
消费电子产品, 多媒体, 便携式器材, 医用, 音频, 电源管理