The ADN2913ACPZ is a Clock and Data Recovery IC with integrated limiting amplifier/equalizer. The ADN2913 provides the receiver functions of quantization, signal level detection and clock and data recovery for continuous data rates from 6.5Mbps to 8.5Gbps. The ADN2913 automatically locks to all data rates without the need for an external reference clock or programming. ADN2913 jitter performance exceeds all jitter specifications required by SONET/SDH, including jitter transfer, jitter generation and jitter tolerance. The ADN2913 provides manual or automatic slice adjust and manual sample phase adjusts. Additionally, the user can select a limiting amplifier, equalizer or 0dB EQ at the input. The equalizer is adaptive or it can be manually set. The receiver front-end loss of signal (LOS) detector circuit indicates when the input signal level falls below user-programmable threshold. The LOS detection circuit has hysteresis to prevent chatter at the LOS output.
- No reference clock required
- Exceeds SONET/SDH requirements for jitter transfer/generation/tolerance
- Programmable jitter transfer bandwidth to support G.8251 OTN
- Programmable LOS threshold via I2C
- I2C Interface to access optional features
- Loss of signal (LOS) alarm (limiting amplifier mode only)
- Loss of lock (LOL) indicator
- PRBS Generator/detector