The ADM698 series Supervisory Circuit that provides power supply monitoring and watchdog timing for microprocessor systems. The ADM698 monitors the 5V VCC power supply and generates a RESET pulse during power-up, power-down and during low voltage brownout conditions. The RESET output is guaranteed to be functional (logic low) with VCC as low as 1V. The ADM699 features an identical monitoring circuit as in the ADM698 plus an additional watchdog timer input to monitor microprocessor activity. The RESET output is forced low if the watchdog input is not toggled within the 1 second watchdog timeout period.
- Power ok/reset time delay
- Minimum component count
- Performance specified over-temperature
- Superior upgrade for MAX698/MAX699
- 0.6mA Low supply current
- 4.65V Precision voltage monitor
计算机和计算机周边, 车用, 电源管理, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器