The ADM6319 series Supervisory Circuit with manual reset input, active-low and active-high push-pull output. The ADM6316/ADM6317/ADM6318/ADM6319/ADM6320/ADM6321/ADM6322 is supervisory circuit that monitors power supply voltage levels and code execution integrity in microprocessor-based systems. As well as providing power-on reset signals, an on-chip watchdog timer can reset the microprocessor if it fails to strobe within a preset timeout period. A reset signal can also be asserted by an external push button through a manual reset input. A reset signal can also be asserted by an external push button through a manual reset input. The seven devices feature different combinations of watchdog input, manual reset input and output stage configuration. Each device is available in a choice of 26 reset threshold options ranging from 2.5 to 5V in 100mV increments.
- Guaranteed reset output valid to VCC=1V
- Power supply glitch immunity
- Specified over industrial temperature range
- 5μA Low power consumption
计算机和计算机周边, 便携式器材, 电源管理, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器