The ADL5336-EVALZ is an evaluation board for cascadable IF VGAS device. The ADL5336 consists of a pair of variable gain amplifiers (VGAs) designed for cascaded IF applications. The amplifiers have linear-in-dB gain control and operate from low frequencies to 1GHz. Their excellent gain conformance over the control range and flatness over frequency are due to Analog Device's patented X-AMP architecture, an innovative technique for implementing high performance variable gain control. Each VGA has 24dB of gain control range. Their maximum gain can be independently programmable over a 6dB range via the SPI. The VGAs can be cascaded to provide a total range of 48dB. When connected to a 50R source through a 1:4 balun, the gain is 6dB higher. The second VGA has an SPI programmable input switch that selects one of two external inputs.
Pair of VGAs with rms AGC detectors
VGA and AGC modes of operation
Continuous gain control range of 48dB, Noise figure (NF) = 6.8dB at maximum gain IMD3 > 62dBc
Differential input and output multiplexed inputs for VGA2 programmable detector AGC setpoints