The ADIS16228/PCBZ is an a "breakout board" which provides ADIS16228CMLZ and interface PCB to simplify the process of "prototyping" during the early stages of system design and evaluation. The ADIS16228CMLZ is a fully-integrated, vibration measurement/analysis system, which provides a serial peripheral interface (SPI) for all Digital communications. It provides a flexible connector interface, with a 15pin, edge-terminated connection, which minimizes board space, but does not support standard ribbon cable connections. The interface PCB provides access to the ADIS16228CMLZ, using a dual-row, 16pin connector, which supports standard ribbon cable systems and hand-soldering connection techniques. The interface PCB also provides two sets of mounting holes one set of holes for attaching the ADIS16228CMLZ to the interface PCB and another set of holes for mounting the interface board to the system's frame.
- Frequency domain Triaxial vibration sensor
- Flat frequency response up to 5KHz
- Digital acceleration data of ±18g measurement range
- Real time sample mode of 20.48kSPS in single axis
- Capture sample modes of 20.48kSPS in three axes
- FFT, 512 point, real valued, all three axes (x, y, z)
- Storage of 14FFT records on all three axes (x, y, z)
- It has programmable alarms with 6 spectral bands
- Digital temperature and power supply measurements
- It has manual capture mode for time domain data collection
工业, 系统监控, 传感与仪器, 医用, 安全