The ADG467BRZ is an Octal Channel Protector placed in series with the signal path. The channel protector protects sensitive components from voltage transience in the signal path regardless if the power supplies are present or not. For this reason, the channel protector is ideal for use in applications where correct power sequencing cannot always be guaranteed (for example, hot insertion rack systems) to protect analog inputs. Each channel protector has an independent operation and consists of an N-channel MOSFET, a P-channel MOSFET and an N-channel MOSFET, connected in series. The channel protector behaves just like a series resistor during normal operation. When a channel's analog input exceeds the power supplies (including VDD and VSS = 0V), one of the MOSFETs switches off, clamping the output to either VSS + 1.5V or VDD - 1.5V. Circuitry and signal source protection is provided in the event of an overvoltage or power loss.
- Signal paths open circuit with power off
- Signal path resistance of RON with power on
- Latch-up proof construction
- Fault protection
- Low power dissipation
工业, 传感与仪器, 测试与测量