The ADG1604BRUZ is a 4:1 CMOS Analogue Multiplexer that switches one of 4 inputs to a common output, as determined by the 3-bit binary address lines A0, A1 and EN. Logic 0 on the EN pin disables the device. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when on and has an input signal range that extends to the supplies. In the off condition, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked. All switches exhibit break-before-make switching action. Inherent in the design is low charge injection for minimum transients when switching the digital inputs. The ultralow on resistance make it ideal solution for data acquisition and gain switching applications where low on resistance and distortion is critical. The on resistance profile is very flat over the full analogue input range, ensuring excellent linearity and low distortion when switching audio signals. The CMOS construction ensures ultralow power dissipation, making parts ideally suited for portable and battery powered instruments.
- 0.2R On-resistance flatness
- ±3.3 to ±8V Dual-supply operation
- 3.3 to 16V Single-supply operation
- No VL supply required
- 3V Logic compatible inputs
- Rail-to-rail operation
- Continuous current per channel
通信与网络, 医用, 音频, 成像, 视频和目视, 测试与测量, 电源管理, 信号处理