The ADG1412YRUZ is a single-pole single-throw (SPST) monolithic quad iCMOS Analog Switch designed for sample-and-hold systems. iCMOS (industrial CMOS) is a modular manufacturing process combining high voltage CMOS and bipolar technologies. It enables the development of a wide range of high performance analog ICs capable of 33V operation in a footprint that no previous generation of high voltage devices has been able to achieve. Unlike analog ICs using conventional CMOS processes, iCMOS components can tolerate high supply voltages while providing increased performance, dramatically lower power consumption and reduced package size. The on-resistance profile is very flat over the full analog input range, ensuring excellent linearity and low distortion when switching signals. iCMOS construction ensures ultralow power dissipation, making the devices ideally suited for many applications.
- No VL supply required
- Rail-to-rail operation
- 3V Logic-compatible inputs
- Minimum distortion
- <0.03μW Ultralow power dissipation
- 0.3R On-resistance flatness
- 0.1R On-resistance match between channels
车用, 测试与测量, 电源管理, 音频, 成像, 视频和目视, 通信与网络