The ADCLK948BCPZ is an ultrafast SiGe clock Fanout Buffer with two selectable inputs and 8 LVPECL outputs. It is designed for high speed applications requiring low jitter. The device has two selectable differential inputs via the IN SEL control pin. Both inputs are equipped with center tapped, differential, 100R on-chip termination resistors. The inputs accept DC-coupled LVPECL, CML, 3.3V CMOS (single-ended) and AC-coupled 1.8V CMOS, LVDS and LVPECL inputs. A VREFx pin is available for biasing AC-coupled inputs. The ADCLK948 features eight full-swing emitter coupled logic (ECL) output drivers. For LVPECL (positive ECL) operation, bias VCC to the positive supply and VEE to ground. For ECL operation, bias VCC to ground and VEE to the negative supply. The output stages are designed to directly drive 800mV each side into 50R terminated to VCC.
- On-chip input terminations
- 75fs RMS Broadband random jitter
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