The ADA4891-1ARJZ-R7 is a high speed single CMOS Operational Amplifier offers high-performance. The amplifier features true single-supply capability, with an input voltage range that extends 300mV below the negative rail. The ADA4891 family provides high-performance and versatility. The rail-to-rail output stage enables the output to swing within 50mV of each rail, enabling maximum dynamic range. Low distortion and fast settling time also make them ideal for active filter applications.
- High speed and fast settling
- 28ns Settling time to 0.1%
- 0.05% Differential gain error
- 0.25° Differential phase error
- 79dBc SFDR at 1MHz Low distortion
- 125mA at -40dBc Linear output current
- 4.4mA/amplifier Low power
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