The AD9789-MIX-EBZ is an evaluation board for mix mode evaluation of 14bit, 2400MSPS RF DAC with 4-channel signal processing. The AD9789-EBZ evaluation board connects to a DPG2 (Data Pattern Generator) to allow for quick evaluation of the AD9789. Control of the SPI port in the AD9789 is available through USB with accompanying PC software. The AD9789-EBZ allows evaluation of both CMOS and LVDS modes, as well as numerous interface modes of the AD9789. The DPG downloader software automatically formats the data sent to the DPG2 to account for the interface mode. The AD9789-EBZ is designed to receive data from a DPG2. The DAC software suite, plus the AD9789 update, is required for evaluation.
- DOCSIS 3.0 performance has 4 QAM carriers
- ACLR over full band (47MHz to 1GHz)
- 4 QAM encoders with SRRC filters
- 16X to 512X interpolation, rate converters, and modulators
- Flexible data interface of 4, 8, 16, or 32 bits wide with parity
- Power consumption of 1.6W (IFS = 20mA, fDAC = 2.4GHz, LVDS interface)
- Direct to RF synthesis support with fs mix mode
- Built in self test (BIST) support with input connectivity check
通信与网络, 射频通信, 无线