The AD8582ARZ is a complete parallel input dual 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) designed to operate from a single 5V supply. Built using a CBCMOS process, this monolithic DAC offers the user ease-of-use in 5V only systems. Included on the chip, in addition to the DAC is a rail-to-rail amplifier, latch and reference. The reference (VREF) is trimmed to 2.5V output and the on-chip amplifier gains up the DAC output to 4.095V full scale. The user needs only supply a 5V supply. The high speed parallel data interface connects to the fastest processors without wait states. The 2-buffered input structure allows the user to load the input registers one at a time, then a single load strobe tied to both LDA + LDB inputs will update both DAC outputs simultaneously. LDA and LDB can also be activated independently to immediately update its respective DAC registers. An address input decodes DAC A or DAC B when the chip select CS input is strobed.
- No external components
- Very low power - 5mW
自动化与过程控制, 便携式器材, 电机驱动与控制, 计算机和计算机周边