The AD8497ARMZ is a 25 to 100°C Precision Thermocouple Amplifier with cold junction compensators on an integrated circuit. It produce a high level (5mV/°C) output directly from a thermocouple signal by combining an ice point reference with a pre-calibrated amplifier. It can be used as standalone thermometers or as switched output setpoint controllers using either a fixed or remote setpoint control. This can be powered from a single-ended supply (<3V) and can measure temperatures below 0°C by offsetting the reference input. To minimize self heating, an unloaded AD8497 typically operates with a total supply current of 180μA, but it is also capable of delivering in excess of ±5mA to a load. This amplifier is laser trimmed to match the characteristics of K type (chromel-alumel) thermocouples. The AD8497 works with 3V supplies allowing them to interface directly to lower supply ADCs.