The AD844JRZ-16 is a high speed monolithic Operational Amplifier fabricated using the junction isolated complementary bipolar (CB) process. It combines high band-width and very fast large signal response with excellent DC performance. Although optimized for use in current-to-voltage applications and as an inverting mode amplifier, it is also suitable for use in many non-inverting applications. The AD844 can be used in place of traditional op amps, but its current feedback architecture results in much better AC performance, high linearity and an exceptionally clean pulse response. This type of op amp provides a closed-loop bandwidth that is determined primarily by the feedback resistor and is almost independent of the closed-loop gain. The AD844 is free from the slew rate limitations inherent in traditional op amps and other current-feedback op amps. Peak output rate of change can be over 2000V/μs for a full 20V output step.