The AD8304ARUZ is a Monolithic Logarithmic Converter optimized for the measurement of low frequency signal power in fibre optic systems. It uses an advanced translinear technique to provide an exceptionally large dynamic range in a versatile and easily used form. Its wide measurement range and accuracy are achieved using proprietary design techniques and precise laser trimming. In most applications only a single positive supply VP of 5V will be required, but 3 to 5.5V can be used and certain applications benefit from the added use of a negative supply VN. When using low supply voltages, the log slope is readily altered to fit the available span. The low quiescent current and chip disable features facilitate use in battery-operated applications. The input current IPD flows in the collector of an optimally scaled NPN transistor, connected in a feedback path around a low offset JFET amplifier. Many operational modes are possible.