The AD820BRZ is a precision low power single FET input Operational Amplifier for use with active filters. It has true single-supply capability, with an input voltage range extending below the negative rail, allowing the AD820 to accommodate input signals below ground in the single-supply mode. Output voltage swing extends to within 10mV of each rail, providing the maximum output dynamic range. Offset voltage of 800μV maximum, offset voltage drift of 2μV/°C, typical input bias currents below 25pA and low input voltage noise provide DC precision with source impedances up to 1GR. 1.8MHz unity gain bandwidth, -93dB THD at 10kHz and 3V/μs slew rate are provided for a low supply current of 800μA. The AD820 drives up to 350pF of direct capacitive load and provides a minimum output current of 15mA. This allows the amplifier to handle a wide range of load conditions.