The AD8054ARZ is a high speed quad Voltage Feedback Amplifier for use with analog-to-digital drivers. It has true single-supply capability with an input voltage range extending 200mV below the negative rail and within 1V of the positive rail. The AD8054 provides excellent overall performance and versatility. The output voltage swings to within 25mV of each rail, providing maximum output dynamic range with excellent overdrive recovery. The AD8054 is well suited for video electronics, cameras, video switchers or any high speed portable equipment. Low distortion and fast settling make them ideal for active filter applications.
- Single-supply operation
- Low distortion
- Outstanding load drive capability
- 50ns Settling time to 0.1%
- Output swings to within 25mV of either rail
- 0.03%/0.03° Differential gain/phase
- 2.75mA/amplifier Low power
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