The AD7789BRMZ is a 1-channel 24-bit Low Power Sigma-Delta (Σ-Δ) ADC for low frequency measurement applications. It contains a low noise 24-bit Σ-Δ ADC with one differential input. The complete analogue front end device operates from an internal clock. Therefore, the user does not have to supply a clock source to the device. The output data rate is 1636Hz, which gives simultaneous 50/60Hz rejection. The part operates with a power supply from 2.5 to 5.25 V. When operating from a 3V supply, the power dissipation for the part is 225μW maximum. This ADC is ideal for smart transmitters, temperature measurement and pressure measurement as well as sensor measurement and battery applications.
- 1.5μV RMS noise
- 19-bit p-p resolution (21.5-bit effective resolution)
- 3.5ppm Typical integral nonlinearity
- Simultaneous 50 and 60Hz rejection
- Internal clock oscillator
- VDD monitor channel
电源管理, 便携式器材, 传感与仪器, 测试与测量