The AD7722ASZ is a complete low power sigma-delta Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) operates from a 5V supply and accepts a differential input voltage range of 0 to 2.5V or ±1.25V centered around a common-mode bias. The converter provides 16-bit performance for input bandwidths up to 90.625kHz. The part provides data at an output word rate of 195.3kHz. The analog input is continuously sampled by an analog modulator, eliminating the need for external sample-and-hold circuitry. The modulator output is processed by two finite impulse response digital filters in series. The on-chip filtering reduces the external anti-alias requirements to first order, in most cases. The group delay for the filter is 215.5μs, while the settling time for a step input is 431μs. The sample rate, filter corner frequency and output word rate are set by an external clock that is nominally 12.5MHz.