The AD7714ANZ-5 is a complete analog front end signal conditioning Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) for low-frequency measurement applications. The device accepts low level signals directly from a transducer and outputs a serial digital word. It employs a sigma-delta conversion technique to realize up to 24-bit of no missing codes performance. The input signal is applied to a proprietary programmable gain front end based around an analog modulator. The modulator output is processed by an on-chip digital filter. The first notch of this digital filter can be programmed via the on-chip control register allowing adjustment of the filter cutoff and settling time. The part features three differential analog inputs as well as a differential reference input. It is ideal for use in smart, microcontroller or DSP-based systems. It features a serial interface that can be configured for three-wire operation.
- 5-channel programmable gain front end gains from 1 to 128
- Can be configured as 3-fully differential inputs or 5-pseudo-differential inputs
- 3-wire serial interface SPI?/QSPI?/MICROWIRE?/DSP compatible
- Ability to read/write calibration coefficients
传感与仪器, 消费电子产品, 无线, 成像, 视频和目视, 通信与网络