The AD7574JNZ is a 8-bit microprocessor compatible Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) with a parallel interface, 15μs conversion time, ratio-metric capability and runs from a single 5V supply. It is designed to be operated as memory mapped input device, the converter can be interfaced like static RAM, ROM or slow memory. Its CS and RD inputs are available in all μP memory systems. These two inputs control all ADC operations such as starting conversion or reading data. The ADC output data bits use 3-state logic, allowing direct connection to the μP data bus or system input port. Internal clock, 5V operation, on-board comparator and interface logic, as well as low power dissipation and fast conversion time make the converter ideal for most ADC/μP interface applications.
- 8-bit resolution
- No missed codes over full temperature range
- Ratiometric capability
- Internal comparator and clock oscillator
航空电子, 传感与仪器, 自动化与过程控制