The AD7367BRUZ-5 is a dual 14-bit low power successive approximation Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) that features throughput rates up to 500kSPS. Each device contains two ADCs which are both preceded by a 2-channel multiplexer and a low noise, wide bandwidth, track-and-hold amplifier. It is fabricated on the Analog Devices Inc, industrial CMOS process 2, which is a technology platform combining the advantages of low and high voltage CMOS. The process allows the parts to accept high voltage bipolar signals in addition to reducing power consumption. The device has an on-chip 2.5V reference that can be disabled to allow the use of an external reference. If a 3V reference is applied to the DCAPA and DCAPB pins, the converter can accept a true bipolar ±12V analog input.
True bipolar analog inputs
Simultaneous conversion with read in less than 2μs
High analog input impedance
High speed serial interface SPI?/QSPI?/MICROWIRE?/DSP compatible