The AD7248JNZ is a complete 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-analog Converter with output amplifier and Zener voltage reference on a monolithic CMOS chip. No external user trims are required to achieve full specified performance. It is microprocessor compatible with high speed data latches and double-buffered interface logic. It accepts 12-bit parallel data which is loaded into the input latch on the rising edge of CS or WR. It has an 8-bit wide data bus with data loaded to the input latch in two write operations. For an asynchronous LDAC signal transfers data from the input latch to the DAC latch and updates the analog output. It also has a CLR signal on the DAC latch which allows features such as power-on reset to be implemented. The on-chip 5V buried Zener diode provides a low noise, temperature compensated reference for the DAC. The output amplifiers are capable of developing 10V across a 2kR load to GND.