The AD7228KNZ is an 8-bit voltage mode Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) with output buffer amplifiers and interface logic on a single monolithic chip. No external trims are required to achieve the full specified performance for the device. Data is transferred into the data latches through a common 8-bit, TTL/CMOS-compatible input port (5V). The A0, A1 and A2 address inputs determine which latch is loaded when WR goes low. The control logic is speed compatible with most 8-bit microprocessors. Specified performance is guaranteed for input reference voltages from 2 to 10V when using dual supplies. The device is also specified for single-supply operation using a reference of 10V. Each output buffer amplifier is capable of developing 10V across a 2kR load. It is fabricated on an all ion implanted, high speed, linear-compatible CMOS (LC2 MOS) process, specifically developed to integrate high speed digital logic circuits and precision analog circuits on the same chip.