The AD558JNZ is a complete voltage-output 8-bit Digital-to-analog Converter including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic, an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range, while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1LSB thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required.