The AD5282BRUZ20 is a dual-channel I2C-compatible Digital Potentiometer performs the same electronic adjustment function as a potentiometer, trimmer or variable resistor. Each VR offers a completely programmable value of resistance between the A terminal and the wiper or the B terminal and the wiper. Wiper position programming defaults to midscale at system power-on. When powered, the VR wiper position is programmed by an I2C-compatible, 2-wire serial data interface. The AD5282 feature sleeps mode programmability. This allows any level of preset in power-up and is an alternative to an EEPROM solution. Both parts have additional programmable logic outputs that enable users to drive digital loads, logic gates, LED drivers and analogue switches in their system.
- power-ON midscale preset
- Programmable reset
- I2C-compatible interface
- 20, 50 and 200kR Fixed terminal resistance
多媒体, 传感与仪器, 音频, 成像, 视频和目视, 通信与网络