The AD1939YSTZ is a 24-bit high-performance single-chip Codec provides four analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with differential input and eight digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with differential output using the Analog Devices, Inc. patented multibit sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) architecture. An SPI port is included, allowing a microcontroller to adjust volume and many other parameters. The AD1939 operates from 3.3V digital and analog supplies. The AD1939 is designed for low EMI. This consideration is apparent in both the system and circuit design architectures. By using the on-board PLL to derive the master clock from the LR clock or from an external crystal, it eliminates the need for a separate high frequency master clock and can also be used with a suppressed bit clock. The DACs and ADCs are designed using the latest Analog Devices continuous time architectures to further minimize EMI. By using 3.3V supplies, power consumption is minimized, further reducing emissions.