The 97-3108B-20-29S is a 17-contact Circular Connector, 97 series, angle plug, 20-29 insert arrangement, split backshell and socket contact. Connector component is fabricated from high grade aluminium alloy, with a conductive cadmium-plated finish and an olive drab chromate after-treatment. Contact is silver plating with pre-tinned solder cups. Inserts for solder style contacts are diallyl-phthalate. Lightweight, roomy cavity, split longitudinally for convenient solder or inspection. Front shell is keyed to allow the 90° angle housing to be rotated and locked at any 45° increment.
- Medium to heavy weight cylindrical
- Durable and field-proven design
- Single key/keyway polarization
- Threaded coupling, hard dielectric inserts
- Non-rotating contacts
车用, 机器人, 维护与修理, 商业, 医用, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 国防, 军用与航空