The 97-3106A-14S-5P is a 5-contact Circular Connector, 97 series, straight plug, 14S-5 insert arrangement, solid backshell and pin contact. Connector component is fabricated from high grade aluminium alloy, with a conductive cadmium-plated finish and an olive drab chromate after-treatment. Contact is silver plating with pre-tinned solder cups. Inserts for solder style contacts are diallyl-phthalate. Sturdy, simple to assemble. Coupling ring machined from solid aluminium bar stock for high tensile strength. Mates with all types of MS receptacles. Front shell includes polarizing keyway. Back shell is threaded for standard MS/AN fittings.
- Medium to heavy weight cylindrical
- Durable and field-proven design
- Single key/keyway polarization
- Threaded coupling, hard dielectric inserts
- Non-rotating contacts
车用, 机器人, 维护与修理, 商业, 医用, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 国防, 军用与航空