The AP0 series Autopad Linear Position Sensor with absolute non-contact inductive position technology. The device senses through non-conductive materials and fluids (e.g. plastic, glass, oil, water). Features custom ASIC provides 12-bit resolution and analogue 0 to 5V or 4 to 20mA output. OEM versions available, customised to the requirements of your application. Available in general sensing applications, especially where reliability and ease of use are important like large magnetic fields and/or harsh EMC requirements (e.g. near motors), high vibration environments (e.g. pumps, heavy machinery), wet and/or dirty environments.
- Passive target
- Fast response time
- No contact between target and sensor so parts cannot wear out
- Simple and robust construction with proven reliability, >40million Autopad sensors in the field
- Excellent immunity to external electromagnetic fields
- Completely immune to magnetic fields
- Immune to dirt and dust
- Good tolerance to geometric offsets
自动化与过程控制, 机器人